Icon Icon
is used to render SVG icons in a more convenient way. You can extend icons by defining icon keys in theme.icons
Import copy import { Icon } from '@trendmicro/react-styled-ui' ;
Usage Use an icon by passing the icon
prop. This icon
property value must match an icon key defined in theme.icons
. By default, the icon inherits the font size and color of its parent.
copy < Stack direction = " row " spacing = " 4x " alignItems = " center " >
< Icon icon = " face-smile-o " />
< Icon icon = " face-smile-o " size = " 6x " color = " red:50 " />
< Icon icon = " face-smile-o " size = " 8x " color = " yellow:50 " />
< Icon icon = " face-smile-o " size = " 12x " color = " teal:40 " />
</ Stack >
Animating icons Use the spin
prop to get any icon to rotate either in the clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) direction.
copy const useToggle = ( defaultValue ) => {
const [ value , setValue ] = React . useState ( defaultValue ) ;
const toggle = ( ) => setValue ( value => ! value ) ;
return [ value , toggle , setValue ] ;
} ;
function Example ( ) {
const [ checked , toggle ] = useToggle ( true ) ;
const playState = checked ? 'running' : 'paused' ;
return (
< >
< Flex mb = " 4x " >
< Switch size = " sm " checked = { checked } onChange = { toggle } /> < Space width = " 4x " /> Toggle animation
</ Flex >
< Stack direction = " row " spacing = " 4x " >
< Icon icon = " spinner " size = " 6x " spin animationPlayState = { playState } />
< Icon icon = " spinner " size = " 6x " spin animationDuration = " 4s " animationPlayState = { playState } />
< Icon icon = " clock " size = " 6x " spin animationPlayState = { playState } animationTimingFunction = " steps(8) " />
< Icon icon = " redo " size = " 6x " spin = " cw " animationPlayState = { playState } />
< Icon icon = " undo " size = " 6x " spin = " ccw " animationPlayState = { playState } />
</ Stack >
</ >
) ;
render ( < Example /> ) ;
The animation
prop can be used to override default animation, it is a shorthand property for:
• animationName
• animationDuration
• animationTimingFunction
• animationDelay
• animationIterationCount
• animationDirection
• animationFillMode
• animationPlayState
Adding custom icons First, you have to add custom icons to the theme. Each icon must be an object containing path
and optional style props passed to SVGIcon .
copy const customIcons = {
icon1 : {
path : (
< path fill = " currentColor " d = " ... " />
) ,
} ,
icon2 : {
path : (
< g fill = " currentColor " >
< path d = " ... " />
</ g >
) ,
viewBox : '0 0 48 48' ,
} ,
} ;
const customTheme = {
... theme ,
icons : {
... theme . icons ,
... customIcons ,
} ,
} ;
After that simply wrap your app into ThemeProvider
component and pass your theme as a theme
prop. Just like this:
copy < ThemeProvider theme = { customTheme } >
< App />
</ ThemeProvider >
Pass the icon name as a prop to the <Icon>
component to render the SVG icon:
copy < Icon icon = " icon1 " color = " blue:50 " />
Search icons
copy const getIcons = ( keyword ) => tmicons . map ( ( { group , icons } ) => {
const filteredIcons = icons . filter ( ( { iconset , name } ) => ( ! keyword || name . indexOf ( keyword ) >= 0 ) ) ;
if ( filteredIcons . length === 0 ) {
return null
return { group , icons : filteredIcons }
) ;
const FlexItem = ( props ) => (
< Box { ... props } />
) ;
const renderIconGroup = ( iconSet , keyword , showCharCode , color ) => {
if ( ! iconSet ) {
return null ;
return ( < Box key = { iconSet . group . name } >
< FlexItem pt = { iconSet . group . id !== 0 && '2x' } >
< Text fontSize = { "2xl" } > { iconSet . group . name } </ Text >
</ FlexItem >
{ < Grid
gap = " 2x "
templateColumns = " repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr)); "
p = " 4x "
pl = " 6x "
pr = " 4x "
{ iconSet . icons . map ( icon => (
< Flex direction = " row " align = " center " pb = { 0 } pr = { 0 } overflow = " hidden " key = { icon . code } >
< FlexItem flex = " initial " pr = " 2x " >
< Icon icon = { icon . name } />
</ FlexItem >
< FlexItem flex = " none " pr = " 2x " >
< Text display = { "inline-block" } fontSize = { "md" } color = { color } >
{ icon . name }
</ Text >
</ FlexItem >
{ showCharCode && < FlexItem flex = " none " pr = " 1x " color = { color } >
< Text fontSize = { "md" } >
{ ` (&#x ${ icon . code } ) ` }
</ Text >
</ FlexItem >
< FlexItem flex = " none " pb = " 1x " >
{ icon . new && < Badge variantColor = " green " badgeContent = { "new" } /> }
</ FlexItem >
</ Flex >
) ) }
</ Grid > }
</ Box > )
function Example ( ) {
const [ keyword , setKeyword ] = React . useState ( '' ) ;
const [ showCharCode , setShowCharCode ] = React . useState ( false ) ;
const [ colorMode ] = useColorMode ( ) ;
const color = {
light : 'black:secondary' ,
dark : 'white:secondary' ,
} [ colorMode ] ;
const onChange = ( e ) => {
const keyword = e . target . value ;
setKeyword ( keyword ) ;
} ;
const onClearInput = ( e ) => {
const keyword = '' ;
setKeyword ( keyword ) ;
} ;
const onChecked = ( ) => {
setShowCharCode ( ! showCharCode ) ;
return (
< >
< Flex direction = " row " align = " center " position = " relative " >
< Box pl = " 4x " >
< SearchInput
fontSize = " md "
placeholder = " Search "
onChange = { onChange }
onClearInput = { onClearInput }
width = { 430 }
</ Box >
< Box position = " absolute " right = " 5px " >
< Checkbox
size = " md "
onChange = { ( ) => onChecked ( ) } >
Display character codes
</ Checkbox >
</ Box >
</ Flex >
< Grid
gap = { 0 }
templateRows = " 1fr "
p = " 4x "
transition = " all .3s ease-in "
{ getIcons ( keyword ) . map ( ( iconSet ) => renderIconGroup ( iconSet , keyword , showCharCode , color ) ) }
</ Grid >
</ >
) ;
render ( < Example /> ) ;
Props Name Type Default Description icon string The name of the icon. spin boolean | string false If true
or 'cw'
, it will rotate in the clockwise direction. If 'ccw'
, it will rotate in the counterclockwise direction. Otherwise, no rotation occurs.